Career Resources

Career Resources

Battle of the Generations

Posted March 14, 2013 & filed under Job Search

Battle of the Generations

Dynamics in the workplace will drastically change as nearly 70 million millennials enter the work force.  Millennials, or Generation Y has been noted as the fast growing segment of today’s workforce.  Armed with technology and a “can do” attitude, millenials are ready to succeed.  Most Gen-Yers will enter a workplace that is managed by either Generation X  or Baby Boomer supervisors.  It’s very possible that all three generations will share the same roof, making for an interesting dynamic. Each generation traditionally holds different values and work styles, which can make effectively communicating and managing a challenge.

As the oldest generation of the three, early Baby Boomers are just now beginning to retire. Many have been with the same company for the duration of their career, and believe in paying your dues.  As a generation, baby boomers are extremely hardworking and have made great sacrifices in order to be successful. Baby Boomers are typically self reliant and independent.

Next in line is Generation X.  Gen X-ers began the era of the “latch-key” children, resulting in self-sufficient and independent employees.  Most have an aversion to being micro managed and prefer to practice a hands-off management style.

The third and youngest population of the workforce, is Generation Y. They are eager to learn, succeed, and conquer their current positions. Millenials are constantly thinking about how to get ahead, and want constant feedback in order to do so. Most millenials grew up balancing school, friends, teams, and various activities, so they strive to be challenged and stimulated in the workplace.  They also place a great deal of importance on having a good balance between their work and their personal life.  With such different wants and needs than their predecessors, managing millenials may be foreign to many company leaders.

Here are tips to help you successfully manage the new generation of employees.

1. Encourage-  With such doting and supportive parents,  Generation Y has become  known for their “can do” attitude. Millennials tend to believe they can conquer anything. Embrace this attitude and encourage them to succeed.
2. Provide Structure-  This may be difficult for a Gen X manager, who favors a less structured work environment.  Generation Y employees prefer schedules, deadlines, and clearly stated goals.  This allows Millennials to define their tasks and measure their success.
3. Provide Feedback-  Leadership, guidance and approval are the things sought out most by Generation Y. Providing coaching and mentoring is a commitment that must be made when hiring a millenial. They strive to please and can be well worth the investment.
4. Variety is Key- The last thing you want is a bored millenial.  Keep their tasks ever-changing and recognize their various contributions.  They want to feel not only challenged, but also  acknowledged.
5. Offer a life-work balance– Generation Y is known for their ability to multitask.  Their schedules have been jam packed since childhood and they value their time outside of work.  Provide them with a fun employee centered workplace, but realize their idea of success isn’t measured by a 60 hour workweek. They want their workplace to recognize and value their many priorities.

Generation Y is taking the workplace by storm, and there’s no denying their importance or impact.  The oldest millienials will soon take managerial positions, resulting in a new wave of supervisors with a completely different outlook on what it means to “be the boss.”  The workplace is ever changing and so are the demands of your business.  Do you have a need? Call us today at 614-760-5799 to discuss our staffing specialties!

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