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Career Resources

Are You at Risk of Losing Your Top Talent This January?

Posted January 7, 2014 & filed under Hiring Resources

Are You at Risk of Losing Your Top Talent This January?

January has become the month of hiring, job hopping, and new beginnings. While thousands of employees take to the net to search for new jobs, employers are left wondering who will turn in their resignation before the month is over. After years of building a successful team and work environment, losing your top talent could be a significant thorn in your side during the New Year.

So how do you retain the top talent that you have worked so hard to onboard?

Have a vision, and share it

You have a clear vision for the future, as well as a list of goals to achieve, but are you successfully laying them out for your employees? Your top talent not only wants to know the future of the department (and company as a whole), they also want to know how they will fit into the big picture. Make sure you clearly define the roles of your employees and how they are helping the company reach its goals.

Challenge employees to learn more

Your most talented employees are as such because they seek out new skills to master. Failing to provide them with new projects that inspire them to pick up new skills could lead to boredom on the job.

What happens if you train employees and they leave is not as worrisome as what will happen if you don’t train them and they stay. You could consider cross training them in other departments to expand their skillset. Investing the time and money in schooling, certifications, and other training will not only make your top talent even more talented, it will encourage them to stay on even longer.

Make your employees feel valued

This doesn’t mean you should needlessly pat them on the head every time they complete a task, but give them credit where credit is due. Your employees aren’t machines programmed to complete projects without gratification. Employee incentives programs, free lunches, parties, etc. will keep your employees motivated to work hard for you.

Give, and receive, feedback

Opening a line of communication could be the single most important tactic in retaining your top talent. How do you know what your employees want if you never ask them? Encourage your employees (and yourself) to be open with their wants and needs.

Be as flexible as possible

Being flexible is crucial to maintaining a healthy work/life balance for your employees. They work hard, so reward them with flex time schedules, half day and/or casual Fridays, or anything else that lets them know that they are both respected and appreciated.

Need help finding the top talent? Our recruiters have a long list of brilliant candidates that possess skills for many job titles. Contact a recruiter today to find the perfect fit for your company.

By Kevin Withers

Image courtesy of irrezolut via Flickr