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Career Resources

The Selfless Guide to Networking

Posted March 11, 2014 & filed under Job Search

The Selfless Guide to Networking

There’s a big disconnect when it comes to networking. Many assume that when you interact with other professionals, either online or in person, each connection has to elicit an immediate payoff. In fact, the best way to boost your network may be to remove thoughts of your own personal gain from the equation.

Imagine someone approaches you out of the blue. Their whole networking approach is to engage you in mindless banter and flattery just long enough to ask a favor. Are you inclined to help that person? Probably not. Bad networking exchanges like that have an all too opportunistic air.

That’s why there has to be some give and take if you’re going to boost your network. So where should you start?

Be genuine

Anyone you talk to, whether in your industry or not, can boost your network. The tone of a networking interaction should be as genuine as any other conversation. If you convey an ulterior motive underneath your surface-level words, no one is going to want to give you the time of day.

Find what you can do for them

On average, people spend 60 percent of a conversation talking about themselves. If you ask the right questions, you can find out what obstacles the person is facing in his or her professional life. If you can provide a solution (through your own skills or connections), you can quickly win over the gratitude and respect of that other person.

Expect nothing

And even if you provide someone with help, you shouldn’t try to extort any favors. Implying a quid pro quo expectation is not the way to go when trying to boost your network. Simply do the favor and ask for nothing in return. You’ll add more people to your network if they can say with conviction that you acted without any sense that someday, and that day may never come, they will be called upon to deliver a “service.”

If you’re looking for more ways to boost your networking skills, check out some of our other articles:

5 Networking Questions to Ask

25 Key Places to Be Networking

Or give one of our recruiters a call. They can give you great tips to boost your network and even give you inside connections with great companies.

by James Walsh

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