Career Resources

Career Resources

You’ve Been Fired, Now What?

Posted May 6, 2014 & filed under Job Search

You’ve Been Fired, Now What?

Nothing broadsides a person upside the head more than being fired, laid off, or let go from their job. Whatever you call it, being terminated doesn’t have to be a lonely walk through the depths of the underworld. It may not be easy, but you can get through it by staying focused on thing: you are now free to reshape your career as you see fit.

Let it go, Indiana

Even if that job was the Holy Grail of your Industry, let it go. It’s over. Keep reaching back for that chalice and sooner or later you’re going to fall into depression deeper than the Mariana Trench.

Just let it go.

This chapter of your life has come to a close, and it’s time to turn the page. Better stories lie ahead.

Keep to a Schedule

This isn’t the time to fall into chaos by sleeping in, not showering, or wandering about aimlessly wondering what to do with your time. It helps to keep your schedule going by getting up, showering, and getting dressed in the morning. This will help you take on the day.

Don’t fall into couch mode

Is you couch looking comfortable? By now, it’s probably calling to you like a group of Sirens. But before you wreck your ship upon their island, remember the dangers that come with being idle. Lounging around like a sloth is going to earn you nothing. You’ve worked hard to get to this point in your career, so why stop now? The last thing you want to do lie around all day watching reruns of Seinfeld.

It’s a show about nothing, and that’s exactly where it will get you.

Are you hungry yet?

So what do you do when the throes of being fired begin to tighten their grip? Do you:

A) Stay in and eat junk food
B) Go out and eat junk food
C) Cleanse your body by fasting
D) Stick to water. It’s cheaper

I think I’d like to phone a friend, Regis.

The first thing you should do is call an old friend or work acquaintance to set up a lunch. Reconnecting with old friends is the first step towards setting up a viable network to start your job search. Plus, it will get you out of the dark pit that your house has likely become.

Do something for someone else

Before you go out and start begging your friends and contacts to help you find your next opportunity, remember that networking is a two way street. You have to ask what you can do for others while simultaneously working out what they can do for you.

Better yet, volunteer your time for a charitable organization. These are great places to network with new people. Plus, doing something for others will lift your spirits and make you feel like you are contributing to something bigger.

What’s the next move?

Besides Updating Your Resume and Social Media Profiles, there are a lot of things that you can do to help you get through your unemployment period.

Exercise – It will give you energy and get you outside of the house.

Create something – There is no better feeling than releasing stress through creativity. Write a story, paint a picture. It doesn’t matter what you do, or if it is any good, the fact that you have made something out of nothing will brighten your day.

If you want to get your job search stared fast, contact a recruiter today. They have a large network of company seeking talent just like yours.

By Kevin Withers

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