Ever Wonder How to Keep Going at Work When You’re Exhausted?
Posted April 30, 2015 & filed under Work Environment
Hard work is a good thing. But, do you ever feel like you are just working too hard or that you are exhausted on the job. We all feel like that sometimes, and there are methods to cope with these hurdles and tackle any obstacles to productivity. It is not a comfortable feeling that your body is rejecting all your hard work. There is good news! There are some tips to help with exhaustion at work and how to take on any barriers to getting the job done. A LinkedIn contributor named Paul Drury operates the HR Blog RecruitmentWriter.com, and he recently shared some tips to overcoming exhaustion, in his article “How to Keep Going When You Are Exhausted”.
Here are some of the tips that seem particularly helpful in combating any work related fatigue:
- Exercise: Physical activity is key to energy management. Try going on a walk after work or on your lunch break if you take one. Vitamin D is also helpful in fighting fatigue, so try to go for a walk in the sun in the morning before work if you have time. As Paul Drury says, “Getting out of the house into the early morning sun worked wonders and gave me an escape from pretty much everything (on early morning bike rides).”
- Drink and Eat: Drury says that “ensuring that I drank and ate regularly was my second strategy. When you are running around with your pants on fire, it is hard to remember that you need to give your body some fuel.”
- Take Slow Moments: Take a few seconds to think and breathe once and a while. Try not to get overwhelmed before thinking things through. Drury likes to take moments, saying, “I tried to take regular five-minute breaks where I could close my eyes, breathe deeply and remember all of the amazing moments with the kids that day. After those five-minute breaks, the tiredness seemed to disappear.”
- Music: If you don’t know this already, music can be soothing. Music get help you re-energize and get back in the zone to get your work done and get through the day, even when you are tired.
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