Career Resources

Career Resources

How to Wait for a Job Offer

Posted April 16, 2018 & filed under Interviewing, Job Search, Productivity

How to Wait for a Job Offer

Playing “the waiting game” may sound as easy as sitting back and turning on the TV, but in today’s candidate-driven market, staying proactive while waiting to hear back from an interview is more important than ever! Interviewees that go silent after meeting an employer are often the first to be deemed unqualified or uninterested. Instead of focusing on not being a nuisance, hone in on keeping yourself ahead of the competition and at the front of the hiring manager’s mind. The process of waiting can be broken down into 3 easy steps.

1: Expressing Gratitude

2: Following Up

3: Moving Forward


Expressing Gratitude

This first step should come within the first 24 hours after your interview. The number one way to show your continued interest in a position is to literally write it out and thank the employer for their time. The most common form of writing a Thank You letter is now via email, but some candidates are local to their potential employer and available to handwrite and deliver their own letter. If you want the job, this is the last place you should procrastinate. Click here for further information on writing a Thank You letter.

Following Up

The second step in waiting has a bit of a gray area on timing, but candidates should be mindful that following up before a week has passed is sure to make you look desperate, eager to leave your current employer, or like a maniac. None of these are good. Following up with a quick email expressing interest between 1-2 weeks from your interview is acceptable (unless otherwise stated by the employer). One follow up message should suffice.


Moving Forward

This step can go one of two ways: you either move forward to other opportunities, or you start the new job you were offered. If the employer chose to go with another candidate, it’s not the end of the world. Simply respond thanking them for the opportunity and ask to be kept in mind for future opportunities. If you are offered the role, be gracious and ask about the next steps in the hiring process.


As always, if you are working with a Recruiter, be sure to give them continued feedback throughout the interview process and work as a team to complete these steps to the best of your ability.

Breanna Battisti