Career Resources

Career Resources

Use LinkedIn to Help You Land Your Next Job

Posted February 28, 2013 & filed under Job Search

Use LinkedIn to Help You Land Your Next Job

Since it’s founding in 2002, LinkedIn has gained nearly 200 million members, making it the world’s largest professional online network.  Because of LinkedIn’s undeniable success, more and more people are turning to LinkedIn as a hiring tool.  Want to utilize LinkedIn to land your next job? Here’s how to gain the attention of hiring managers and recruiters.

LinkedIn goes beyond your run-of-the-mill resume and cover letter. Like a resume, it enables you to highlight your previous positions and experiences, but in a far more candid and personal way.  Make sure to list all of your previous, relevant work experiences.  The more information you provide, the better. Students and recent graduates are also encouraged to include extra curricular and volunteer work. The skills section of your profile is a crucial element to LinkedIn’s success. Employers and recruiters utilize LinkedIn by conducting searches based on titles and skills. These searches allow you to be sought out based upon the information provided on your profile.  Similar to SEO, your skills act as keywords, so it’s important to keep them up to date and detailed.

Get recommendations. Recommendations from supervisors, former employees, and peers go a long way. Take time to ask those around you to provide you with a recommendation and be sure to return the favor. A strong recommendation can highlight your strengths and really shows that you’re a valuable employee.

Being active on LinkedIn is the best way for your profile to gain attention. Go beyond merely joining various groups.  Become involved in discussions by posting interesting articles, asking questions, or simply offering your opinion. People who are active within the groups they join are 10x more likely to be contacted by a recruiter ( LinkedIn groups are also great networking tools and a great way to build your connections.

LinkedIn is home to executives from all the Fortune 500 companies, and it’s network continues to grow. Join LinkedIn today, and see what a powerful tool it really is!
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