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Career Resources

Scary Effects Of The Media

Posted October 21, 2013 & filed under Interviewing, Job Search

Scary Effects Of The Media

You know what is scary? The effects of the media on the public!

With Halloween quickly approaching, the general tactic is to scare. While many people are brave and don’t scare easily, some of us are more easily frightened. From Ghouls and Goblins to Mummies and Zombies, there are many figures that can be used as scare tactics. However, the most terrifying figure, especially lately, is the media.

The media definitely has a tendency to manipulate normal citizens into believing absolute nonsense. While misleading information can come from hometown news stations, larger news stations, and social media, broadcasts like CNN and Fox News are two of the main sources of this negative media.

Taking small pieces of information and exploding them into huge ordeals is the biggest problem with the media. As well, they often give misleading information, leaving out facts and stretching some of the facts to make the story more “interesting”. Many call this “entertainment education”. Often, instead of informing the public with the basic truth about the story, they create monster stories. Scandals, cheating (work and personal life), lies, bad documentation, and much more come out of this. In most cases, this can cause job loss, rough home life, or even ruined lives.

How does this affect jobs?

  • Applicants won’t go for certain jobs because of what they’ve heard.
  • Some employers won’t hire applicants if they are aware of their political views.
  • Some employers won’t hire applicants if they are really strong-minded/opinionated.
  • Higher management (CEO, Owner, etc…) are getting fired, fined, and penalized for dishonest allegations made by the media. However, some allegations are true. This causes job loss for many employees and companies to go under.

How does this get fixed/avoided?

  • Take most information with a grain of salt.
  • Get ALL facts before jumping to conclusions
  • Don’t make yourself overwhelmingly opinionated based on these news stories.
  • Get more truthful information from other sources.


By: Kaitlin Daniel