Career Resources

Career Resources

Make Your Start at a New Job a Great One

Posted October 7, 2015 & filed under Industry Insight, Productivity

Make Your Start at a New Job a Great One

Are you starting a new job soon? Wondering how to make a great start in this new job? Let’s explore some ideas on what you can do to make your start a wonderful new beginning. 

  1. Define what you need to do to reach your full potential in your new role. Take note of what others around you have been doing in this new organization and begin to understand how you carry out your job in the best way possible.
  2. What do I need to do to make my boss happy? Find out what you need to do in your work to make your boss happy. Gather information on what others do in similar roles to yours and begin to understand what tasks you can complete at work in an efficient manner to benefit your superiors and your whole team in general.
  3. Decide what strategies you will incorporate into your work strategy. Plan your map to success. Take note of your role and responsibilities as they change and as you learn along the day.
  4. Make note of stakeholders. Understand who the senior members of your team are and begin to realize their work style and how they do business. Take notes on your peers and what they like and dislike and begin to work with them to be the best team you can be.
  5. Make yourself happy in the process. Take time for yourself and understand what makes you happy and how you can manage your time the best way possible while working for the team.