Category Archive for Job Search
As with any adolescent technology, 3D printing is going through an experimental phase. It’s trying out new things and searching for a purpose within the prevailing world of modern manufacturing. That means for every practical 3D printed product, we can expect something extraordinary or even downright weird somewhere else. Pretty soon, you might be able to use a 3D printer to make any of the following oddities.
1.) Your Dinner & Snacks. In…
6 Weird Ways 3D Printed Objects are Taking Over:View
January for many people is job search season. As you get yourself back in shape for the job market, you need to give some serious thought to the words you use. Some hang around your resume like extra poundage, weighing you down as you try to outrace your competition. Other words utterly fail to make any real impression with hiring managers. Whatever the reason for your resume missing the mark, you may need to shed certain words to give it…
13 Words Not to Use in Your Resume:View
The week between Christmas and New Years can leave you feeling a bit lost. You are tired from all the Holiday meals and sweets, and you have that jarring feeling that your job search will have to resume in a just a few days. But how will you go about it? Follow these tips and you will hit the ground running on your job search as soon as the New Year starts.
Take a moment to reassess your career
Where were you five years ago, and where do you…
10 Ways to Reenergize Your Job Search in the New Year:View
It’s never easy to know for sure if now is the right time to quit your job, but as the New Year approaches it may be time for you to consider moving on in your career. Whether you are reasonably happy with your current job, merely content with it, or have to force yourself to go every morning, there may be something better out there for you – exploring your options can’t hurt you.
How do you know it is time to leave your job?
There are…
Should You Quit Your Job in the New Year?:View
When job seekers are in the interview process, social networks can be a critical tool to their advantage. If you have an upcoming interview, you can still spend time with your typical social network activities (uploading pictures, writing creative status updates, and chatting with friends) but you should also make sure to balance that out with job related searches.
LinkedIn is the main social networking site that comes to mind when people…
Using Social Networks to Your Advantage:View
Consider this: over 10 percent of Chicago’s economy is directly dependent upon manufacturing. Approximately 323,100 people from all around the Chicagoland area make their livelihood in one of the numerous metropolitan manufacturing facilities and close to 600,000 work on production floors statewide. Should it be any surprise that state and university officials are striving to keep new life pumping into the industry?
Birth of the Illinois…
Illinois Manufacturing Lab Promises Innovation:View
Social gatherings are perfect for networking and, with the sheer number of parties sprinkled throughout the month of December, no active job seeker can afford to silently hang about like garland trimming the wall. Just because people are converging on the dessert trays and eggnog doesn’t mean you have to check your job search at the door. Instead, mingle with your fellow partygoers in a way that blends both professional and personal topics…
5 Networking Questions to Ask:View
On Thanksgiving, when you’re gathered around the dinner table with family and friends, it’s traditional to take a moment before you chow down on the scrumptious food to say thank you. Saying thank you for the good fortune you’ve received shouldn’t be limited to that brief window during the holiday season. All throughout your job search and interview process there are opportunities to say thank you, so take them and improve your chances…
When to Say Thank You During Your Job Search:View
Hard skills will only get you so far in the job search. While your qualifications often take the forefront in the mind of hiring managers, your soft skills, more commonly referred to as personality traits, are often what will set you apart from the masses. When it comes to what hiring managers want to see in candidates, just remember the five Cs. Demonstrating these personality traits will get you hired in no time.
Be careful not…
The 5 Cs of Getting Hired: Personality Traits That Will Get You the Job:View
A recent LinkedIn article hit the nail right on the head when discussing one of the greatest obstacles facing the resurging American manufacturing sector. Sander van’t Noordende, Group Chief Executive at Accenture, pointed toward what he called the digital economy as an effective way to repopulate the graying manufacturing talent pool with young and energetic candidates.
His article argues that manufacturers need to make it clear that they…
Breathing New Life Into Manufacturing:View