Easing into the groove of the kids going back to school or watching the color of leaves change might be all you were looking forward to this September, but Omni One was steadily preparing for the official “Update Your Resume Month”, founded by Career Directors International. September marks the beginning of Autumn, which uncoincidentally is a time of excitement and fresh starts. According to a professor of sociology at…
September: Update Your Resume Month:View
A brief rundown on how to reach out and grab your next career in manufacturing for those who have recently returned to the job hunting scene, or fresh graduates looking to put themselves out there!
Know where to start and work smarter, not harder. Indeed and Google are excellent aggregators of open positions across the web (often scraping data from sites like Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn). Make these two sites your first stop! The…
Job Hunting 101:View
Whether you feel underutilized in your current position, were a recent victim of a company layoff, or are yearning for a long-term career after graduation, looking for a job can be overwhelming. In addition to your own search tactics, recruiters can be a useful resource – but how do you get them to notice you?
It’s necessary to understand how recruiting firms find people. Most firms rely on resumes that are uploaded to career…
How to Get Noticed By Recruiters:View
LinkedIn is out there on the Internet. This means that your profile is like an advertisement for you as a package deal.
Your profile is supposed to showcase your best accomplishments. It is a good idea, and almost a necessity, to have a strong LinkedIn profile. A Forbes article online recently looked at this idea of having a strong LinkedIn profile. The article looked at what not to say in your LinkedIn profile. It is fine to use some basic…
What Not To Say In Your LinkedIn Profile:View
Good resumes have a central feature in common: their words and layout capture an employer’s attention like runway lights leading a pilot to land.
To do that, job seekers need to provide a clear, straightforward explanation of who they are and who they will be as employees. Summary statements do that best.
Objective Statements vs. Summary Statements
Once, the objective statement was a resume staple. It told hiring managers what type of job…
What Your Summary Statement Needs to Do:View
LinkedIn’s 332 million users make it one of the greatest assets in any professional’s job search. Used right, it can broadcast your credentials beyond traditional means. Employers and recruiters will tell you: there are clear differences between average and great LinkedIn profiles. Focus on these 15 factors and your profile won’t blend in with the scenery.
1. A Clean & Professional Picture – LinkedIn profile pictures should be the…
15 Ingredients that Make LinkedIn Profiles Great:View
For a long time, cover letters were considered indispensable. A resume was the brief SparkNotes overview of your career and a cover letter was the catchy synopsis of key chapters. To quote Forrest Gump, the two were like “peas and carrots.”
But these days, there are plenty of opinions to the contrary. So what’s the truth? Can a cover letter be useful or should we just jettison it in our wake?
The Case against Cover Letters
For many…
Is It Time to Bury the Cover Letter?:View
Not all resumes have the same effect. Writing an eye-catching application is majorly important, but even a compelling story in your CV can fall flat with the wrong layout. This is why it pays to know which resume format will help you stand out in the eyes of employers.
The Essential Resume Formatting
Certain resume features are inflexible. Fiddle with these and you begin to erode the banks out from underneath you.
Standard Margins – Margins…
Does Your Resume Format Matter?:View
Imagine you received spam in your inbox: would you give it a good read or delete it on principle? Now, imagine you’re a hiring manager receiving tons of one-size-fits-all resumes. Will your response be any different? Employers don’t want to be spammed; they want to be charmed. No company will ever be charmed unless you customize your resume to their position.
Customized resumes needn’t be written from scratch. Most of your education, work…
3 Easy Ways to Customize Your Resume:View
Trying to stand out to an employer? Most companies openly tell you how to do it.
Job advertisements emphasize which job requirements and desired skills are important so businesses don’t have to sift through as many unqualified candidates in the midst of interviews. And to snag their attention, you have to encode your resume with these bits of information.
A Job by Any Other Name…
Every company has their own internal lingo.…
The One Thing Every Good Resume Does:View