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Last week, I brought to light a key to cover letters that many job seekers tend to overlook: style. Because the primary focus has been on what to say in a cover letter, job seekers tend to ignore how they say it. Since you only have a small amount of precious time (usually a matter of seconds) to capture the attention of the hiring manager, you might as well make sure that you are making those seconds count.
Injecting some style into your…
Fix Your Cover Letter Format with These Style Tips:View
Candidates don’t have it easy. To even get your attention, they have to jump through innumerable hoops. When they get to the interview, they have to say the right things on command, watch for non-verbal communication queues, and wonder if every silence is a disqualifying silence or just a pause for you to gather your thoughts. And the waiting afterwards isn’t any better.
You may not intend to give your candidates ulcers but unconscious body…
Non-verbal Communication: What Candidates Think You’re Saying:View
January for many people is job search season. As you get yourself back in shape for the job market, you need to give some serious thought to the words you use. Some hang around your resume like extra poundage, weighing you down as you try to outrace your competition. Other words utterly fail to make any real impression with hiring managers. Whatever the reason for your resume missing the mark, you may need to shed certain words to give it…
13 Words Not to Use in Your Resume:View
There is quite the clatter surrounding the topic of holiday hiring. You have probably heard that companies are far too busy at the end of the year to interview or hire any new employees. The reality, however, is the polar opposite. The fact of the matter is that hiring efforts remain steady during the holidays, so make sure you don’t give up on that holiday job search. Make no mistake a
bout it: if a company needs to fill a position, the…
Is the Holiday Job Search Worth the Effort?:View
Studies have shown that a person’s personality doesn’t affect his/her skills relating to job functions. However, certain personality types are conducive to certain industries, companies, management styles, and job tasks. Ask any manager or employee and they can even give you a list of the types of personality traits they want to see in a future employee or coworker. Below are some examples of commonly found personality traits in…
Can Your Personality Determine Your Job?:View
Unless you have never worked a day in your life, it is safe to say that you have encountered a rough situation at a place of employment. We are all different and we all react to each situation differently. However, most can agree that if we have a great working environment and manager it is easier to come to work each day. Having great management lead you makes your environment and actual work (papers, reports, meetings, statistics,…
What Great Managers Do Differently:View
A rebounding economy has led to an increase in hiring in the manufacturing industry. Employers, however, maintain that an inherent skills gap is keeping their facilities short on staff. As many industries rely on skilled metalworkers, these manufacturing careers are great places to start if you are looking for success in the industry.
Skilled welders are often consulted to repair flaws in metal objects and structures and thus are…
3 Hot Manufacturing Careers:View
In the workplace, it is important to have a team that is trustworthy and communicates efficiently. Let’s face it- most people are content with their independent style of work, but more often than not it is helpful to have a strong team to fall back on for support. Also, it is essential for everyone to get along and have great communication with each other. Here are some useful tips to keep teams successful in the workplace.
Establish Goals.…
Team Building in the Workplace:View
In the workplace, there are times when things can get frustrating. Whether it is a member of management or a coworker who is speaking, the difference between coaching and criticism can sometimes be confused when speaking about any issues.
Coaching consists of constructive feedback and turning negative situations into positive reinforcement. When coaching employees, it is critical to state the problems, and then state possible solutions. A great…
Coaching vs. Criticism:View
Even in the digital millennium, with Skype and email ruling the communication channels, phone interviews are still a common occurrence in the job seeking world. Since we communicate less and less over the phone, the lack of face-to-face interaction during an interview can be off-putting.
If you are nervous for your upcoming phone interview, try following these easy-to-use tips to make a significant (if only audible) statement that will leave a…
5 Tips for a Successful Phone Interview:View